About School


DAV Public School, NIT Campus spread its wings on 3rd March 1991, with the blessings of the Board of Governors of NIT, Adityapur. It had a modest beginning in a few tin sheds.

ARD Message


Education is the manifestation of the perfection that is already in man” As I take over the reins of DAV Public School, NIT Campus, I am reminded of Swami Vivekananda’s

Important Message by
DAV Management

inside school

Independence Day Celebration

The Independence Day of India, which is celebrated religiously throughout the Country on the 15th of August every year, holds tremendous ground.

Republic Day Celebration

Republic Day is celebrated to commemorate the day when a country's constitution came into effect, establishing it as a republic.

International Yoga Day

The International Day of Yoga is marked annually on June 21 on a global scale since 2015. An invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition.

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Contact Us ↓

Regional Directorate
DAV Public Schools, 
Jharkhand Zone-A, 
Managed by DAV College Managing Committee, 
New Delhi-110055
DAV Public School, 
NIT Campus, Adityapur, 
Dist. Saraikela-Kharsawan. 
Phone No.: 0657-3562164
Email ID: ard.jhzonea@gmail.com
Website: www.davrdjhzonea.com

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